Entries by Mike_Root

Yesterday’s Prayer for our Nation

Prayer for our Nation – Proverbs 14:34 Father of all Creation, we honor and exalt your name and recognize your controlling power over all of us. You gave us life, you gave us all physical blessings, and you gave us hope of eternal life through your Son who paid our debt and reconciled us to […]

Bible Study for 5-2-21

Bible Study for Sunday, May 2, 2021 Tough Stuff From Jesus (7) 1.  Do you have any bad driving habits that you need to work on? 2.  How much of your feelings about driving are a response to other drivers? 3.  If we are “the light of the world,” why do we let others set […]

Bible Study for 4-25-21

Bible Study for Sunday, April 25, 2021 Tough Stuff From Jesus (6) 1.  How has your list of things to worry about changed over the years? What is different now from when you were young? 2.  What kind of worries have you lost sleep over? 3.  Are there “good” worries and “bad” worries? Why? When? […]

Bible Study for 4-18-21

Bible Study for Sunday, April 18, 2021 Tough Stuff From Jesus (5) 1.  Why do you think we use love and hate so much as descriptive superlatives? (Don’t you hate questions like that?) 2.  Why do you think we hate others? What is the motivation? 3.  Can someone be our enemy without us hating them? […]

Bible Study for 4-11-21

Bible Study for Sunday, April 11, 2021 Tough Stuff From Jesus (4) 1.  Is “Thou shalt not kill” a call for God’s people to be pacifists? Why or why not? 2.  Since Israel was commanded to destroy those people living in The Promise Land, is that a contradiction? 3.  How have you thought about Jesus’ […]

Bible Study for 4-4-21

Bible Study for Sunday, April 4, 2021 Tough Stuff From Jesus (3) 1.  When have you had to be the “Party Pooper”? 2.  What do you think it was like for Thomas to be completely at odds with all the apostles about Jesus’ resurrection? 3.  What was Jesus challenging Thomas to do when he told […]

Bible Study for 3-21-21

Bible Study for Sunday, March 21, 2021 Tough Stuff From Jesus 1.  What would you have done if Jesus told you to sell all you had and come follow him? 2.  What are some tough truths that you were challenged with growing up? 3.  Do you have a favorite quote that would quality as tough […]

Bible Study for 3-14-21

Bible Study for Sunday, March 14, 2021 Decorating the Cross: 1 Corinthians 13:8 1.  What are some cliches that you use a lot? 2.  What are some of your favorite church-life cliches? 3.  A cliché is an overused saying that has lost its meaning. Are there some Bible verses that have become cliches? Why? 4.  […]

Bible Study 3-7-21

Bible Study for Sunday, March 7, 2021 Decorating the Cross: 1 Corinthians 13:7 1.  Do you have a favorite story or movie about someone changing what they were going to do because of love? 2.  Do you agree with the statement that love is both attitude and action? Why? 3.  What do envy, boasting, proud, […]

Bible Study for 2-28-21

Bible Study for Sunday, February 28, 2021 Decorating the Cross: 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 1.  The Corinthians seemed to struggle with understanding how important love was. Why do you think they struggled? Do we? 2.  In 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, Paul mentions several things that are spiritual acts, but they all become meaningless without love. What impresses […]

Bible Study for 2-21-21

Bible Study for Sunday, February 21, 2021 Decorating the Cross: 1 Corinthians 13:1-4a 1.  What are some things that you believe should never be decorated? 2.  How important is love in our journey to know and obey God? 3.  What do you think every Christian should know about love? 4.  How does love connect us […]

Bible Study for 2-14-21

Bible Study for Sunday, February 14, 2021 A Jesus Study: John 12:1-8 1.  What is the most memorable gift anyone ever gave you? 2.  Why do you think it is difficult for some people to accept a gift? 3.  Why do you think this short story even is mentioned in John? 4.  What does it […]

Florissant Newsletter

Florissant Church of Christ Newsletter Article for 2-7-21 From Mike:             What would you say church is? The options are endless. To many, church is a building at a specific location. Many see church as an organization or institution to join, participate in, and leave when you get tired of it. Others see church as […]

Bible Study for 2-7-21

Bible Study for Sunday, February 7, 2021 A Jesus Study: Matthew 14:22-33 1.  A crucible is a sever test. What has been some of the biggest crucibles in your life? 2.  How do you think you would have reacted to the whole burning bush experience Moses had? What would you have done differently? 3.  What […]

Bible Study for 1-31-21

Bible Study for Sunday, January 31, 2021 A Jesus Study: Mark 6:1-6a 1.  What are your favorite memories about coming home? 2.  What are some things in your life when receiving support and affirmation from your family was important? 3.  How do you think the disciples felt about getting to go with Jesus to his […]

Bible Study for 1-24-21

Bible Study for Sunday, January 24, 2021 A Jesus Study: Matthew 12:22-37 1.  When have you been totally wrong about judging someone by their outward appearance? 2.  How can two people look at the same thing and see it differently? What are some examples of this? 3.  Why did the Pharisees accuse Jesus of healing […]

Bible Study for 1-17-21

Bible Study for Sunday, January 17, 2021 A Jesus Study: Matthew 12:1-14 1.  As you think about the cast of characters surrounding the crucifixion story, how did their perspectives vary? 2.  Were the Pharisees guilty of murder? Why? How? 3.  What did Jesus do to make them want to kill him? 4.  What is ironic […]

Bible Study for 1-10-21

Bible Study for Sunday, January 10, 2021 A Jesus Study: Luke 5:17-26 1.  What is your favorite part of the 23rd Psalm? 2.  What does it mean to you that the Shepherd prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies? 3.  How do we allow our enemies to affect what we do […]

Bible Study for 1-3-21

Bible Study for Sunday, January 3, 2021 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! Matthew 15:22-28 1.  What has been the most difficult part of 2020 for you? 2.  Do you have any challenges or goals for 2021 yet? What are they? 3.  The Canaanite woman of Matthew 15:22-28 was already dealing with what kinds of challenges? […]

Bible Study for 12-27-20

Bible Study for Sunday, December 27, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! Matthew 8:5-13 1.  When have you completely misjudged someone because of what they were wearing or the job they had? Has it happened to you? 2.  Why is this meeting in Matthew 8 with a centurion such a surprising encounter? Can we even […]

Bible Study for 12-20-20

Bible Study for Sunday, December 20, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! Mark 6:30-44 1.  When does Christmas go from joy to stress for you? Does it? 2.  Why do you think people have such different perspectives about what they see? 3.  What are some examples of when Jesus and his apostles saw things completely […]

Bible Study for 12-13-20

Bible Study for Sunday, December 13, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! Luke 8:26-39 1.  Why do you think so many of us are uncomfortable talking about mental health? 2.  How do we know that the Bible addresses mental health? How? 3.  Do you think people can be possessed by demons today? How? When? 4.  […]

Bible Study for 12-6-20

Bible Study for Sunday, December 6, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! Matthew 18:1-14 1.  What are some experiences in your life when you were humbled? 2.  How does being broken or humbled help us grow spiritually? 3.  What does it tell us about the apostles that they were arguing about who would be the […]

Bible Study for 11-29-20

Bible Study for Sunday, November 29, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! John 5:1-15 1.  When does it bother you the most to have to say, “I just don’t know”? 2.  What do you think is the biggest myth about mental health? 3.  How does our mental health affect our physical health? How does our […]

Bible Study for 11-22-20

Bible Study for Sunday, November 22, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! John 4:4-26 1.  Why have so many people been reluctant to talk about mental health? 2.  What kind of worries do you think the woman at the well had? 3.  It is a great story, but why is it true that the story […]

Bible Study for 11-15-20

Bible Study for Sunday, November 15, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! John 3:1-21 1.  Do you have any challenges driving your car in a Christ-like manner? 2.  What might Jesus say to you if he was your driving instructor? 3.  Why should it matter whether or not we drive our vehicles in a godly […]

Bible Study for 11-8-20

Bible Study for Sunday, November 8, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! John 2:13-22 1.  Looking back through the years, what was your dream car? If you could have it right now, how would you take care of it? 2.  When and where did you learn the importance of honoring and respecting something that represented […]

Bible Study for 11-1-20

Bible Study for Sunday, November 1, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! John 2:1-11 1.  Who is a celebrity that you admired and respected until you found out they were not what you thought they were in real life? 2.  What is the biggest difference between knowing about somebody and really knowing them? 3.  If […]

Bible Study for 10-25-20

Bible Study for Sunday, October 25, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! Matt.4:1-11 1.  What are some temptations that are easy for you to reject? 2.  I believe the Temptations of Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11 is misnamed. Why do you think I would say such a think? 3.  As you examine the three temptations, what […]

Bible Study for 10-18-20

Bible Study for Sunday, October 18, 2020 Hi! My Name Is Jesus! John 1:1-5 1.  How many different names, titles, or descriptions fit you? 2.  Why didn’t Moses know who was sending him on his trip back to Egypt? Who did he think was behind the burning bush? 3.  What do you think “I Am” […]

Bible Study for 10-4-20

Bible Study for Sunday, October 4, 2020 God’s Battle Plan Pt.3, Eph.6:13-18 1.  Do you think some Christians struggle with the concepts of faithfulness as a “battle” or a “fight”? Why? 2.  How has God equipped us to live, grow, and spend eternity with him? 3.  Do you believe that we have a real spiritual […]

Bible Study for 9-27-20

Bible Study for Sunday, September 27, 2020 God’s Battle Plan Pt.2, Eph.6:11-12 1.  What was the scariest horror movie you ever saw? 2.  While movie monsters are not real, what do you think about evil? Is it a real force or power in the world? 3.  Do you believe that we have to fight against […]

Newsletter – From Mike

Florissant Church of Christ Newsletter Article for 9-20-20 From Mike:             I am going to miss Nancy…but not for long. I have been blessed to enjoy life for enough years that I am much, much closer to the end of it than I am to the beginning of it. I am in no hurry, but […]

Bible Study for 9-20-20

Bible Study for Sunday, September 20, 2020 God’s Battle Plan Pt.1, Eph.6:10 1.  Why have movies about war always been so popular? Do you have any favorites or do you avoid them all? 2.  It is always good to be confident, but what would it mean to a soldier to go into battle with absolute […]

Bible Study for 9-13-20

Bible Study for Sunday, September 13, 2020 HeartSight – God’s Co-Worker, Eph.6:5-9 1.  What experience (s) in your life changed the way you saw the world? 2.  In your spiritual journey, when did you start to discover that Jesus changes your view of the world? 3.  In Ephesians, Paul was probably giving guidance to Christians […]

Newsletter Article for 9-6-20

From Mike:             I think there is a good argument for saying that being a parent may be the most important job you ever have in life.  Marriage certainly changes our thinking from self to someone else, but nothing changes us like bringing that little child into the world and suddenly being responsible for a […]

Bible Study for 9-6-20

Bible Study for Sunday, September 6, 2020 HeartSight – Super Parents Eph.6:1-4 1.  What is our number one source of knowledge and training about parenting? 2.  What are some things you said you would never do as a parent, but you did them anyways? 3.  “God is and always will be the best parent.” Is […]

Florissant Newsletter for 8-30-20

From Mike:             While I have made some considerable progress over the years in being more thoughtful about my wife, it would be stretching credulity to call me romantic. I like a night out at our favorite restaurant, and I enjoy getting her flowers or gifts, but when it comes to what is romantic to […]

Bible Study for 8-30-20

Bible Study for Sunday, August 30, 2020 HeartSight – Radical Romance 1.  What would be the perfect romantic evening for you? What does it say about your age and your relationship? 2.  Radical romance is ______________________________________! 3.  Why is the classic marriage passage in Ephesians 5:22-33, so difficult for most of us to identify with? […]

Bible Study for 8-23-20

Bible Study for Sunday, August 23, 2020 HeartSight – Godly Relationships 1.  On your journey to adulthood, where did you learn the most about building relationships? 2.  Why do some people not see the connection between “going to church” and relationship building? Is there one? Why or why not? 3.  Ephesians 5:7 warns us to […]

Bible Study for 8-16-20

Bible Study for Sunday, August 16, 2020 HeartSight – Playing With Fire 1.  Why do you think we enjoy looking at a campfire or a fireplace fire? 2.  What does the old proverb about “playing with fire” say to you? What is the underlying principle it teaches us? 3.  Why do you think so many […]

Bible Study for 8-9-20

Bible Study for Sunday, August 9, 2020 God’s Draft – The Wrong Everything 1.  Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us God will direct our paths. How does he do it? 2.  Have you ever misjudged someone because of how they looked? When? Why? Has it happened to you? 3.  Why do we fail to use all the […]

Bible Study for 8-2-20

Bible Study for Sunday, August 2, 2020 God’s Draft – The Wrong Loyalty 1.  In the parable of the two sons, in Matthew 21:28-32, what is Jesus telling us about God? 2.  What does this story teach us about loyalty? 3.  What does loyalty mean to you? Define it and give some synonyms. 4.  What […]

Bible Study for 7-26-20

Bible Study for Sunday, July 26, 2020 God’s Draft – The Wrong Social Status 1.  Read Proverbs 3:5-6 and discuss how God “will make your paths straight”? 2.  Why is serving God not a matter of our qualifications? 3.  In the story of The Prodigal Son (Luke 15), what kind of pigpen did the older […]