Newsletter Article for 9-6-20

From Mike:

            I think there is a good argument for saying that being a parent may be the most important job you ever have in life.  Marriage certainly changes our thinking from self to someone else, but nothing changes us like bringing that little child into the world and suddenly being responsible for a life and a soul. They come into the world and instantly become the center of our life, and that is not an easy adjustment. We are young and we have careers to build, success to achieve, and life to enjoy – but for now, kids come first! We have to give them the attention and direction they need because our opportunity to do it is finite. We make mistakes, we get distracted and frustrated, but common sense and maturity rule, and we focus on giving them every good thing we can give them. What seems overwhelming and never-ending will soon be memories and missed opportunities. We only get one chance to do it right or we spend the rest of our life regretting, recriminating, and reliving what “should have been” and “what was I thinking.”

            When Donna and I were young parents of three little ones, there was very little information available for training and teaching about parenting. Dr. Spock was the rage, but he made most traditional parents outraged and did a lot of damage to the special job of parenting. We did what we thought was right. We did the good things we both learned for our parents, and we had an amazing village in our church family to help us. While there are tons of books, seminars, online classes, and other things available now for parents, no one will ever do a better job of teaching us how to raise children than God. The basic principles of love, discipline, instructions, and unselfishness that Jesus teaches to all His followers is still the best guidance for any parent.

            Sunday we are going to look at the most famous parenting passage in the Bible, Ephesians 6:1-4. You have known it nearly all your life! Children obey and honor your parents and Dad’s quite ticking off your kids! Parents are to raise their children in “the training and instruction of the Lord.” Easy! Black and white principles of parenting, but like the previous section about husbands and wives, it become meaningless religious talk when you see it without its context. Go ahead and check it out. How does this classic passage change when you apply the context of Ephesians 5:8-21? It is a whole new lesson when you remove the chapters and verses and just listen to what Paul is saying. Godly relationships come from godly people. It’s the same for brethren, spouses, children, and the folks you work with. A transformed life approaches every relationship with a Christ-like spirit. If you can’t do that for your kids, where can you do it?

            Join us Sunday at 10 A.M.!