God That Coffee's Good book cover

Have you ever wanted to sit down with God and ask him any question that crossed your mind? We all have, because we’ve asked those questions in our head multiple times throughout our life. In a quaint little coffee shop, over hot mugs of coffee, Mike sits across the table from God, who opens the door to any question. How do you talk to God after a lifetime of talking to him with your eyes closed and receiving no immediate response? Now, you’re eye-to-eye, with all expressions, nuances, and animation speaking to you as much as the voice you hear. Does God laugh, joke, and sing? Can you talk with someone who can know every intent of your heart? And what does he look like? Is he the Santa Claus that so many picture him to be? Is he the white robed, white bearded Zeus-type sitting on a marble throne just back from playing chess with mankind? How would God show himself – in a coffee shop – with an ordinary minister who has spent a lifetime attempting to get others to be attracted to him, seek him, and obey him? How would he answer the questions that have haunted the preacher’s mind for decades? He found out – over a cup of coffee.

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