The Curtain Goes Up!
In just a few days we will be performing our fourteenth Bible Action Musical here at the Florissant Church of Christ. There will be three shows of Diamonds at the Cross. Friday and Saturday at 7:00 P.M. and Sunday at 6:00 P.M.. This year I wrote the play about people the Bible is pretty much silent about – at least in terms of the crucifixion story. We know that Barabbas, Simon of Cyrene, the Centurion, and the ladies who followed Jesus all had a part, but the story wasn’t about them. It was about Jesus and what He went through on that cross. I approached each of these stories from a very positive perspective. I assumed that they were all extremely impacted by what they experienced before, during, or right after Jesus’ crucifixion. Did they have a personal struggle with trying to decide who He was and what His death was truly about? Did they allow God to work on their hearts and turn them into believers? We know a little more about the ladies, because they had been a part of the story for a long time and they would be central figures in the resurrection story. Mary Magdalene was the very first person Jesus chose to appear to and that was after she spoke with the two angels in the tomb. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was clearly important to the story. I mentioned in a lesson a couple weeks ago that no one in the entire world would have been happier to see Jesus resurrected from the dead than her. Yet, there is nothing said about her after Jesus spoke to her and John from the cross. Knowing Mary, I suspect she was just fine with that. She knew better than anyone that the story was about Jesus, not her. Barabbas, Simon, and the Centurion are never mentioned again, and other than a few questionable traditions, we don’t know if they changed and became disciples or not. So yes, my speculations are fiction, but…maybe I’m right.
This is probably the most dramatic and touching play we have ever done. The personal struggles in each of the scenes is powerful. Their decision to rethink their feelings about that strange rabbi from Nazareth, is very moving and identifiable for all of us. Then add to it some powerfully beautiful praise and worship songs, and I truly believe people will be touched and moved by this play. I am especially excited about a couple of the show tunes we are using. They are very popular songs from a very popular musical, The Greatest Showman, but when they are given a spiritual focus – they become totally different songs. I can’t wait to see how our audiences respond to them, especially since we have really added some serious moves to our choreography this year.
I hope you can attend at least one night. You will be blessed if you do. Look forward to seeing you.